SGML and the Web
SGML, Standard Generalized Markup Language, is an enabling technology
used in applications such as HTML. (see:
Toward a Formalism for
Communication on the Web).
Our investment in SGML to support HTML should be taken one
or two
steps further and leveraged to support other SGML applications. Much
of the world's information is managed as SGML, and more and more of it
is assuming this form every day.
Learning and Using SGML
The HTML specifications assume a working
knowledge of SGML.
The SGML standard itself is not available online, but there's plenty of code
to read if you're a hacker, and a few introductory documents for everybody.
- Gentle Introduction
- from the TEI guidelines. A must-read for folks new to SGML
- Robin Cover's extensive (700 item) bibliography on SGML
- Erik Naggum's SGML archive
- Yahoo's
SGML section
- Probably includes most of the stuff below, plus all the stuff I don't
have time to chase down.
- Lycos
search for SGML
- Full text search for SGML on the whole web.
on the Web
- by NCSA and SoftQuad
See also: abstracts
of MIMESGML drafts
In reverse order, by publication/revision date:
- A Proposal
for Delegating SGML Open Catalogs
- James K. Tauber
University CWIS Coordination Officer
The University of Western Australia
1996-3-13 (Revision 4)
- A Lexical Analyzer
for HTML and Basic SGML
- W3C Tech Report on SGML low-level parsing details.
flex spec, test file, change
log, and source distribution:
-rw-rw-r-- 1 connolly 69 50650 Feb 7 11:59 sgml-lex-19960207.tar.gz
-rw-rw-r-- 1 connolly 69 57182 Feb 7 12:00
21f7b70ec7135531bc84fd4c5e3cdf3d sgml-lex-19960207.tar.gz (pgp sig)
083e21759d223b1005402120cdbf8169 (pgp sig)
- HTML 2.0 Specification
Review Materials
Toward a Formalism for
Communication on the Web)
- unpublished draft by Dan Connolly
to the Max
- TEI Guidelines for Electronic
Text Encoding and Interchange
- Why Validate
- ISO 8879. Information Processing -- Text and Office Systems - Standard
Generalized Markup Language (SGML), 1986.
- HTML to the Max
- In WWW2 proceedings
- comp.text.sgml
- USENET newsgroup for SGML
- WG8
- This is the working group for such ISO standards as SGML, HyTime, and
- SGML Open
- a consortium of SGML vendors convened to promote interoperability
and market growth
mimesgml wg
- And
of their drafts
- TEI: Text Encoding and Interchange
- DSSSL-Lite
- Davenport Group
SGML Tools and Software
I know from first-hand experience that producing multi-purpose technical
specifications (e.g. IETF plain text, online hypertext, and postscript) is
tricky and tedious. I try to keep track of tools that might provide solutions
to the problem of document management for web specs.
- SP
- a new C++ based
SGML parser by James Clark, the author of SGMLS
Another SGMLS/Perl formatter, DTD Fragments. It's not
DTD specific and does output to HTML, ASCII and TROFF, it does require a
DTD to generic element mapping in Perl for any specific DTD and comes with
DocBook and Linuxdoc mappings. The next version will have RTF output,
Snafu DTD mapping and better support for applying different styles to the
Ken MacLeod
- Another perl5/ngmls toolet. Includes some support for DocBook->LaTeX,
HTML conversion, though that part of the code looks like a one-time shot,
not a complete implementation.
- An SGML DTD documentation/navigation tool by
Earl Hood
This tool translates an SGML DTD into HTML, providing hypertext navigation
of the document structure. Handy for learning SGML.
- A
GNU Emacs mode for SGML files
- Getting HotMetaL by FTP
- SoftQuad Inc. Panorama Press
- Linux
- These guys have taken a very practical approach to SGML for
technical documentation. They started with SGMLs from James Clark and
the QWERTZ DTD, which mirrors LaTeX structure. Then they added
down-translators for groff, HTML, and others. Looks promising.
Hmmm... on closer examination, this is something of a hack.
They hacked the DTD, hacked the down-translators, etc.
I like the idea of using a LaTeX-like DTD, but I think
I'll wait till this matures a little more.
also: distribution
- GF: General
SGML Formatter
- another SGMLs based SGML to HTML converter supporting a few
sophisticated DTDs
- Setting up PSGML and sgmls for HTML
- Remote file
- CoST
- Copenhagen SGMLs Tool -- SGMLs meets Tcl
maintained by Joe English
Other Document Tools and Representations
- Bento
- Setext
Information and Samples
- One nice feature of HTML is that Joe User can hack it with his
text editor. I think we shouldn't expect Joe User to grok SGML, and we
should support something like SeText as HTML becomes more compex.
last update by $Author: connolly $ on $Date: 1996/06/01 16:44:20 $